Installing snap on standalone unit (no internet connection)

I am trying to install the snap 2.0 beta7 version on a windows machine with no internet connection.
Is there a way to manually download and install the s1, s2 and s3 toolboxs on a standalone machine?

We currently don’t provide an installer with all downloadable components. Maybe we should. However, you should be able to just copy the files from an existing installation of the same OS and copy them to your computer without internet.

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Agree that it could be really useful to provide such offline installer.

Best regards,


Thank you.
This solution (copying files from same OS) worked for me in the 2.0 beta version but when I upgraded to the 2.0 version and copied the files from the internet computer to the stand alone the toolbox are not present.
Has their been a significant change in the way the toolboxs are managed between the beta and the official version?
Can you think of another workaround for this problem?
Thank you,


yesterday we published a zip file which contains the toolbox components. It can be used to install SNAP and the toolboxes on a system without internet connection. Please see the post from yesterday.