Interferogram - Spotlight Terrasar-X

Hi all,

Is interferogram formation supported by s1tbx for High resolution Terrasar-x spotlight data.


No, spotlight InSAR for any mission is not supported - only Stripmap,
TOPS and bistatic Stripmap.

Did this change in the meanwhile?
If found this reference and wondered if the interferogram and coherence generation of SNAP is also working with TerraSAR-X Spotlight (HS) and Staring Spotlight (ST) mode products.


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TerraSAR-X HIgh Resolution SpotLight for DEM generation

SNAP has been mainly written for S1 data. But Staring SpotLight (ST, SLC product) and High Resolution Spotlight data (HS, SLC) can correctly be imported and I have created Change Products using own graphs (post will follow).

I am now working with 2 TerraSAR-X High Resolution SpotLight images (1m) of Mt. Uluru/Ayers Rock, Australia.

Both are 45 degrees incidence angle, descending orbit, HH polarisation. Dry environmental conditions, sparse vegetation.
Image size: 6.185 rows, 10.912 columns.
• TSX1_SAR__SSC______HS_S_SRA_20090212T204239_20090212T204240
• TSX1_SAR__SSC______HS_S_SRA_20090223T204240_20090223T204241

According to this: demodulate and remodulate need to be applied, to perfectly align the doppler spectra:

The German Space Agency, DLR, recommends to demodulate and remodulate SpotLight data before interferogram calculation ([FIRST TERRASAR-X INTERFEROMETRY EVALUATION]( “The object spectra of the two scenes can be misaligned shown in principle in Fig. 6 and need to be spectral shift filtered in order to remove non common spectral components. The DLR GENESIS implementation deramps the azimuth spectrum using a chirp and then applies a band pass filter in the corrected spectral domain. After filtering the chirp is used to get back the original shape of the Doppler spectrum (up-ramping). ”

My graph uses these two functions and looks like this:

My interferogram seems to be fine:

My coherence seems to be fine:

So far, so good. But…
My export to SNAPHU: uses these parameters: TOPO , MCF, number of tiles 10 x 10, overlap 250, 250, processors 4, threshold 500

My unwrapped phase has error:

Where am I making a mistake?

Thanks for your support.