Interferometry of large regions of interest

Hi, I want to measure distribution of movement of the large area at once with DInSAR using S1 TOPSAR products, and I am wondering if you think Ive made a mistake somewhere, because the resulting displacements are only negative now. Ive done processing of a smaller area before and the results were both positive and negative at the beginnig. So this is my processing chain:

  1. Clip DEM only to the area of interest to trick the program and not process the rest.

  2. Slice Assembly of two products (one product does not cover the whole area).

  3. Subswath 1: TOPSAR split (bursts 1 to 20)-> apply orbit file ->Back-geocoding(using the clipped DEM) -> Interferogram->TOPSAR deburst

  4. Subswath 2: TOPSAR split (bursts 1 to 20)-> apply orbit file ->Back-geocoding(using the clipped DEM) -> Interferogram->TOPSAR deburst

  5. Subswath 3: TOPSAR split (bursts 1 to 20)-> apply orbit file ->Back-geocoding(using the clipped DEM) -> Interferogram->TOPSAR deburst

  6. TOPSAR Merge of subswaths 1-3 -> TopoPhaseRemoval -> Goldstein Phase Filtering -> Multilook (4 range looks)

  7. Use band maths to remove areas with coherence below 0.2 from the phase information-> merge old coherence with new phase band

  8. Export to Snaphu (DEFO, MCF, 2 tiles, 16 processors, 0 overlap, 500 tile Threshold) -> Snaphu import -> phase to displacement -> Terrain correction.

What I am uncertain about are whether the slice assembly can be used here and whether the subswaths can be merged. Does it influence the results? Can I remove the phase with the low coherence before unwrapping in snaphu or should I do this in a different way? I am also uncertain how the number of tiles influence the results.