I just started using snappy. I am trying to subset the image with a polygon, but the subset operator clipping with bounds of the polygon. Is it possible to subset the image with the polygon shape (more than four edges) instead of polygon bounds using subset-operator/snappy?
And where/how I can check the list of parameters in the SNAP operators?
Images are stored as 2-D arrays, so the actual stored data will always be a rectangle. You can crop to the polygon bounds and set pixels outside the polygon to a missing-value code.
The SNAP Help tab often provides a good description of the operators. In a terminal you can use gpt <Operator> -h.
It is usually easiest to start from an existing snappy script. The .snap/snap-python/snappy directory has example and test scripts. A Forum search can often find posts where a specific operator is discussed.
The ‘geoRegion’ parameter can also be used when using snappy.
But in the end always the bounding box of this region is used. Because in the end a raster needs to be created and rasters are rectangular.
There is the Land/Sea Mask operator which can mask the area outside of the polygon after the subsetting.
RuntimeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-131-27ba33f30a29> in <module>
16 parameters.put('geometry', field_wkt)
---> 18 test = GPF.createProduct('Land-Sea-Mask', parameters, product)
20 write_format = 'GeoTIFF-BigTIFF'
RuntimeError: org.esa.snap.core.gpf.OperatorException: expression: Undefined symbol 'MULTIPOLYGON (((267619.7366652835626155 6373269.0510210823267698, ..)))'. due to Undefined symbol 'MULTIPOLYGON (((267619.7366652835626155 6373269.0510210823267698,
When I try to use snappy WKTReader(), I am getting the following error
RuntimeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-148-0bc8028329fd> in <module>
16 parameters.put('geometry', field_wkt)
---> 18 test = GPF.createProduct('Land-Sea-Mask', parameters, product)
20 write_format = 'GeoTIFF-BigTIFF'
RuntimeError: org.esa.snap.core.gpf.OperatorException: Operator 'CreateLandMaskOp': Value for 'Vector' must be of type 'String'.
The ‘geometry’ parameter is a bit confusing. You need to specify the name of a vector data node.
This needs to be created/imported first. To do this the Import-Vector operator needs to be used.
The format of the vector file should ESRI shapefile.