Is standard SAR pre-processing steps required in SNAP before I can do further polarimetry in PolSARpro?

Greetings all!

I’m new to SAR but need to learn this field for my current MSc thesis. It’s quite interesting but lots to learn!

So far it seems I will need to do Pol-SAR pre-processing for one type of problem and InSAR for another. After getting into the literature and following the NASA ARSET lecture series on YouTube my main questions right now are:

  1. Do I do the standard pre-processing steps in SNAP and then do further pre-processing in PolSARpro?

  2. SNAP seems to have Pol-SAR pre-processing features via Radar > Polarimetry but on the PolSARpro webpage it’s stated “In order to take advantage of specific functionalities offered in the Sentinel-1 Toolbox, a dedicated bridge has been built between the two softwares.” Do I still require both softwares or can I do Pol-SAR preprocessing in PolSARpro?

Thank you!