Issue Opening Sentinel-2 L1C Data (MTD_MSIL1C) in SNAP

Hi all,

I recently became aware that Sentinel-2 data can now be downloaded through the Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem via the Copernicus Browser. I successfully downloaded a Sentinel-2 L1C image, and the file seems to have downloaded correctly.

However, when I try to open the MTD_MSIL1C.xml file (which I usually work with), I encounter an error. Interestingly, when I open the file in ArcGIS Pro, it works fine, and all the bands are displayed properly.

Does anyone have any recommendations for working with this data in SNAP? I know I can use ArcGIS Pro, but I’ve been working with SNAP for many years and would prefer to continue using it.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions!

What’s the error message you get? Actually, opening the xml should work. Alternatively, you can try to open the downloaded zip file directly.

Hi MArco,

This is the error I am getting with all the data from Coernicus Data Space

Hi again,

So I just uploaded the zip file (as you reccomended) and it worked great!

Thank you so much!!!

Good that the zip file works.

You should open the MTD_MSIL1C.xml located in the .SAFE folder and not the MTD_TL.xml below the GRANULE folder. This should work too.

Hi Marco,

I tried opening all of the files, but the error keeped on poping. I reinstalled the program and updated my ram memory to 24 gb and its working perfectly now.

Thank you!

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