Issue when opening pleiades product

When opening the product downloaded from Airbus sample imagery Geospatial Information Data and Intelligence | Airbus Intelligence website, the following exception is thrown by s2tbx

 java.lang.IllegalStateException: Different data types: bandDataType=11, dataTypeFromMetadata=21.
at org.esa.s2tbx.dataio.pleiades.PleiadesProductReader.validateMatrix(
at org.esa.s2tbx.dataio.pleiades.PleiadesProductReader.buildJP2MosaicMatrix(
at org.esa.s2tbx.dataio.pleiades.PleiadesProductReader.buildMosaicMatrix(
at org.esa.s2tbx.dataio.pleiades.PleiadesProductReader.readProductNodesImpl(
at org.esa.snap.core.dataio.AbstractProductReader.readProductNodes(
at org.esa.snap.core.dataio.ProductIO.readProduct(
at org.openide.util.RequestProcessor$
at org.netbeans.modules.openide.util.GlobalLookup.execute(
at org.openide.util.lookup.Lookups.executeWith(

[catch] at org.openide.util.RequestProcessor$

Content of the VOL_PHR.xml and the DIM_PHR1B_PMS_201701061026046_ORT_2155287101-001.XML files provided for troubleshooting
VOL_PHR.xml (2.0 KB) DIM_PHR1B_PMS_201701061026046_ORT_2155287101-001.XML (227.6 KB)

I can confirm that the current reader fails to get the image including metadata. Yet, the image itself can be opened

I have the same issue with the following Pleiades product IMG_PHR1A_PMS_201410050834414_ORT_5636687101_R1C1.JP2

I can open it on QGIS but when I try to open the image with SNAP I receive this error

Hello Fabrizio,
It seems related to:

for which 2 tickets were opened:

I remember the error you get, it is corrected now. The data is not correctly written in the medatada (extra spaces that don’t respect the format), this is why SNAP throws an error. The handling was updated in order to ignore the extra spaces.
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We should wait for the next SNAP’s update to fix it? Because I have just updated my SNAP and when I import that jp2 file I get the error message.

Yes, the issues are corrected and planned for 9.0.0.
We could prepare them for the next minor release if you think they are urgent.

I am still getting this problem when trying to open a Pleiades download. I also tried File->import->Optical Sensors->Pleiades and selected the downloaded zip file but I also get “No appropriate product reader found”.

I am using SNAP 9.0.0 - can you tell me what I am doing wrong or another way to open the file ?

Hello @davey,

Do you have the same error for the unzipped product?

I do have the same problem - although maybe you can confirm I am opening the correct file and extension - I am opening the file VOL_PHR.xml as shown below - is this correct ?

Hi @davey,

Can you send us the product so we can do the tests locally?

I also noticed that the product directory name end with -N_001. Is this the original name or did you change it?
The naming convention for Pléiades reader is : IMG_PHR<SAT_NUMBER>_<SPECTRAL_PROCESSING>_<NUM_PRODUCT>
<SAT_NUMBER> = {1A, 1B}, Pléiades 1A or Pléiades 1B, or one of them if both used in a mosaic
<NUM_PRODUCT> = Product index within the Volume. Format is three digits from 001 to 999

I downloaded the .zip folder from the UP42 website on their sample data download section. (for the city of Melbourne)

I tried to load direct from the .zip folder but this didn’t work, so I unzipped the folder and tried to load the VOL_PHR file. I didn’t change the name.
The file is included below


Can you confirm that the VOL_PHR.xml file is the the index metadata file for the product displayed in the screenshot (IMG-PHR1B_PM-N_001)?
The components listed in the attached file are searched in two different directories (IMG_PHR1A_P_001 and IMG_PHR1A_MS_002) :

<COMPONENT_TITLE>ORTHO P DS_PHR1A_201202250025259_FR1_PX_E144S38_1205_01120</COMPONENT_TITLE>
<COMPONENT_PATH href="IMG_PHR1A_P_001/DIM_PHR1A_P_201202250025599_ORT_PRG_FC_5852-001.XML"/>
<COMPONENT_TN_PATH href=“IMG_PHR1A_P_001/ICON_PHR1A_P_201202250025599_ORT_PRG_FC_5852-001.JPG”/>
<COMPONENT_TITLE>ORTHO MS DS_PHR1A_201202250025259_FR1_PX_E144S38_1205_01120</COMPONENT_TITLE>
<COMPONENT_PATH href=“IMG_PHR1A_MS_002/DIM_PHR1A_MS_201202250025599_ORT_PRG_FC_5852-002.XML”/>
<COMPONENT_TN_PATH href=“IMG_PHR1A_MS_002/ICON_PHR1A_MS_201202250025599_ORT_PRG_FC_5852-002.JPG”/>

Diana, sorry but how do I check if the VOL_PHR.xml file is the index metadata file for the product (IMG-PHR1B_PM-N_001) ?

What I wanted yo ask is if the uploaded VOL_PHR.xml file was in the same archive as the IMG-PHR1B_PM-N_001 directory, because if it was, this product doesn’t seem to be in a format supported by SNAP) .
(see A.1 File and Folder Naming in Pléiades Imagery User Guide )

Yes it is in the same archive so it seems the product isn’t supported by SNAP