"java.lang.NullPointerException" error while using gpt or graph builder for processing

No. Error is coming when I open the image, which I got from the Graph builder(if terrain correction is included)

In terrain correction, what is the DEM , did you select?

It is the same DEM, selected alongside your processing?

“SRTM 3Sec”. It is the same DEM which I usually work with.

Might be this causes the problem, try up to use SRTM 1sec HGT, auto download,

As per your suggestion. I used SRTM 1sec HGT . But no use . Still the same problem .
@marpet @falahfakhri @ABraun

Sorry I’m out of idea, but here also more less similar to this issue, But in this is concerning the interferogram

Have you tried another DEM, e.g. ACE (Auto Download) for a test?

I got a same problem too. Did anyone fix it?image

I have tried with all DEM but the problem is still remaining.

No use . I have tried all the available DEM data.

Once try to save it in “BEAM-DIMAP” format and check if it is working.

What I have observed is that, when ever I use a complete tile for doing terrain correction using gpt and graph builder and want to save the output in “GeoTIFF” format it shows the above error while trying to display the same output file. But if we save the same file in “BEAM-DIMAP” format, it wont show any error and displays the image perfectly.
So, definitely their is some issue while trying to save it in other formats other than “BEAM-DIMAP” format. The technical team @marpet @lveci @mengdahl has to come up with a solution for this problem if I am not wrong.

Yes. I think so. For me, I need to pre-processing and export to netCDF because I am gonna process time-series on MATLAB (need to stack a lot images). Any solutions can help me? I tried HDF5 it works but I can file the variables of LAT LONG & Sigma. GEOTIFF BEAM-DIMAP it works well.
I also tried on Laptop and PC, same problem. so I think these issues come from software.

Ya that’s true. Even i have the similar problem(not able to export in GeoTIFF) and I am helpless .

Can I stack GEOTIFF then work on Matlab?

Both of you could first derive the final product (in BEAM DIMAP format) and then export it in the format you need as a last step. Or am I missing a point?
Many tools and operations rely on precise handling of metadata which cannot be stored in tif or hdf files, at least not to their fulm extent.

@ABraun I am working on automation. I can’t really save that in BEAM-DIMAP and then export that to my desirable GeoTIFF format from it.
Kindly, would you suggest anything else so that every thing happens in one go using gpt.

Not really needed I think. The TC module just should’t be the last tool in the chain. I’d recommend the export module as a final step.

how can I add “export” module in gpt ? I think we cannot use “export” in gpt or graph builder if i am not wrong.

sorry, I meant the “Write” tab in this case. But Falah suggested this already above and you reported it didn’t work.
But I will try the graph you posted in the first post and see if I get the same error.