Land/Sea Mask with GSHHS shapefile

Hello all,

I have a problem regarding using the GSHHS_f_L1.shp shapefile to landmask data (obtained from ). I am working with Sentinel-1 data for arctic regions, hence I like to use the f L1 version. However, no matter what do, the shapefile does not line up with the coasts in the image. Neither with the raw-file or the terrain-corrected file to UTM or WGS84.

I use it as an via Vector->Import->ESRI shapefile.
Since it doesnt line up, using the Land/Sea Mask operator doesnt mask the landmasses properly. Am I missing something here?

My goal is to extend the the fairly simple S1 processing graph below, with the Land/Sea-Mask operator and the GSSHS shapefile.

Terrain-Correction (UTM Automatic)
Subset (via polygon)

Am am using SNAP 10 and Sentinel-1 GRD EW data from ASF.

You would try raster land mask generated using GSHHG dataset, version 2.3.7, released on June 15, 2017: GitHub - AlexeyPechnikov/gmtlandmask: GMT 1-arc-second landmask for 1° tiles

There is also the Coastal Map I created. You could try it. Data is freely available. Coastal Map – Global High-Resolution Coastal Areas Map (

Easy access from SNAP to the data is integrated in the EOMasters Toolbox Pro. A free trial is available.

I am using this exact data as a .shp file. Why would your tiled raster landmask give me a different result?

Obviously, if you cannot align the vector mask, you can try using raster masks.

That rasterdata still didn’t resolve this offset. The problem is GSHHG itself. The data does not appear to be accurate for Svalbard.
Using open-street-maps data resolved the issue.

FYI, there’s no need to find and download OSM dumps. You can simply use the Python osmnx package to download OSM features, like this:

gdf = osmnx.features_from_polygon(geometry, tags=...)
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