Land use land cover mapping using sentinel 2

Hi all,
I am planning to carry out LULC map using Sentinel 2 image.

However, I have few queries

  1. I am going to use sentinel 2 L2A. Do I need to calibrate the image radiometrically by applying atmospheric correction?
  2. Which calibrated image should I use for my above project , ToA OR BoA?
  3. The proposed area is a mountainous region, is it possible to apply topographical correction in SNAP toolbox?

Any technical advice or documents related to my question is much appreciated

No need of any point you have mentioned to be done , because the product L2A is already atmospheric corrected, the only step you could apply is, resampling to the preferred band resolution according to your approach.

For LULC, you could apply many preprocess such as Gray-Level Co-Occurrence Matrix ( GLCM )
and classification, Also be aware about the classifier, according to your data input.

@falahfakhri, I am not required to apply the correction stated in my question according to your reply.
For LULC map, I am going to use random forest algorithm.

If you have any idea, do kindly share. Thanks