Landmasking a SAR image

I am trying to landmask a geotiff grayscale SAR image.As I am new to this field I am unable to perform landmasking , also I am having an 18m resolution image, if I try to use toposheet these are available in resolution of 30 m and 90 m.

Kindly guide as to how I can perform Landmasking.

do you want to retrieve the land mask from your SAR data?

If not you can simply use Raster > Masks > Land/See mask
The resolution of your original data is not altered by the operator.

Dear Andreas,

I am trying to separately code in python and trying to create landmask.But
I am unable to do. Kindly guide.

sorry, I didn’t see that you posted it in the python section

No issue.But kindly guide.

Actually what is your status? Where do you struggle?
I think we can’t do all the work for you.
There are already some examples and guides mentioned in the forum. Have you followed already one of those?

I am performing Landmasking in Python, I am not able to find any good
literature in this regard. Also I am trying to use DEM tile but the
resolution of the tile for landmasking and that of image are different.
Kindly guide in this regard.

You have mentioned that guides are available on the forum.Kindly share the

You can find several links in this post: