Linux Installation using StaMPS and S-1 data

Hello @thho

Thank you so much but ı still have problem,

In the picture which ı show you below, like you advised me, ı do the steps; first ı created another Stamps export data in another place inside the Stamps folder, and then ı add path directory way of the stamps/bin into this terminal for working the mt_prep_gamma, and then ı work it and then

like seing at the bottom of 2. terminal picture, ı work matlab from the same terminal without openning another terminal

and then on 3. picture ı wrote stamps but it gives me again the same error,

And also, while saying adapting StaMPS_CONFIG.bash , do you mean to add path of this StaMPS_CONFIG.bash directory in to the terminal ? like this (PATH=$PATH:/media/frat/C282BF7082BF6815/StaMPS_v3.3b1/StaMPS_CONFIG.bash; export PATH) ? can you explain me more detailly please ? After adding path of StaMPS_CONFIG.bash, when ı write in the terminal (cd /media/frat/C282BF7082BF6815/StaMPS_v3.3b1/StaMPS_CONFIG.bash), terminal says to me: it is not a directory

the name of your stamPS export directory MUST BE “INSAR_master_data”

Hello @daniel_bona

Thank you so much ,

after fixing the export folder name like you wrote , now ı have another problem like below

what should ı do ?

Hi @firat
you are almost there, Just set you Insar Processor from Doris to Gamma by typing this before you run stamps. You should also set your scla_deramp to y by typing second commend before running stamps.

setparm(‘insar_processor’, ‘gamma’)
setparm(‘scla_deramp’, ‘y’)

Have fun

Hello @bayzidul

Thank you so much

After doing setparm(‘insar_processor’, ‘gamma’) and setparm(‘scla_deramp’, ‘y’), ı have a warning problem on step3 and an error on step 4 which look like below

what should ı do now for processing or passing these steps without any problem ?

Hi @firat,

the name must nor be exactly INSAR_master_date, but INSAR_20160425 if your master image has the date 2016 04 25 (example). I am a bit sceptical if all went correctly, because the processor should be set automatically to gamma, but maybe I have missed that setting the processor with setparm will work to. However, the warning you encountered Not enough random phase may come from two possibilities

  1. Your studysite is to small, with setparm(‘filter_grid_size’, 10) I am able to run the script for small areas. But I would recommend to work with larger areas.

  2. You can also try to set the dispersion index to a higher threshold, in mt_prep_gamma_snap 0.45 for example, more PS candidates will be preselected

have a try with filter_grid_size or a larger subset of your studysite and let us know if this fixed your problem or not.
Good luck!

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Hello @thho

Thank you so much,
After writing setparm(‘filter_grid_size’, 10), there is no warning or error on step 3

But now ı have errors on step 6 like below

what should ı do for fixing it ?

In step 5 you have to change the parameter ‘merge_resample_size’ at least as high as the ‘unwrap_grid_size’ you want to use in step 6. Think about you want to unwrap with a grid size which is smaller than a resampled grid as input, that is not possible, the unwrapping parameter would be dominated by the merge parameter and therefore useless. Use a unwrap_grid_size of 32 or lager (in your case) or set merge_resample_size to 0 for a first try ( you have to rerun step 5 before this comes to effect)…

I hope this was helpful.

Hello @thho

Thank you so much

setting merge_resample_size to 0 and unwrap_grid_size to 32 didn’t fix the error but increasing area fixxed the Uw_grid_wrapped error

But now ı have another error on step 6 about invalid file identifier like below

how can ı fix this error ? what should ı do ?

Dear @firat,

I guess the script tries to open a connection to a file that does not exists. That is what I read out of the first error message. All errors after, try to do something with the file which is missing (that is my guess). I can not really help you with this one, never had problems in step six like this. I would suggest look, if there are the files in your INSAR_master_date dir which are called in the script, if they are missing, try to figure out why. That helped me to solve some problems in the past.

Good luck!

thank you so much @thho

I fixxed the problem now while adding the path of snaphu/bin folder before working mt_prep_gamma in terminal and ı finished the all processes without any problem

Now what should ı do for seing the results ?

please have a look at the manual chapter 6:

The program viStaMPS also helps so visualize the results:

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I saw your post in MAINSAR, and the hint with snaphu, good to see that it helped you! Now after step 6 you have to play with the parameters. the ps_plot() function helps you a lot. I really recommend the handbook , this tutorial and the ps_plot() help (just type help ps_plot in matlab to get this overview). The ‘results’ you get by default settings may not be satisfying, from what you wrote until now I assume you are looking on a very small area, I admit that I do have some trouble with this kind of study site myself, and you really have to adjust the parameters of StaMPS to your data. It may help you to better visualise and explore your data using this app, but that is not necessary.

Good luck and keep playing with the parameters to better understand StaMPS and your data :)!

Thank you so much Dear @thho and @ABraun for the answers, helpful sharings and advises :slight_smile:

now ı have an ps_plot() function error just like below (no ps_plot() script doesn’t work)

How can ı fix this problem ?


this question has already been answered here and in my workflow summary for SNAP-StaMPS; open the script you use in the stamps installation folder/matlab/ and delete the break command mentioned in the error message, save it and run the function again.

Hello @thho
Thank you so much

After deleting break command in parseplotprm.m, ı saved it and ı fixxed that error but now ı have this error on below

what should ı do for fixxing this problem ?

Dear @firat,

sorry I can not help you with this one, I am a bit surprised, are you sure you have not deleted to much in the plot script by accident?
To double check, I provide my plot script, maybe that is a little help…when you have found the error, please tell us the solution here for next users to find an answer to this error :slight_smile:

parseplotprm.m (4.2 KB)

ts_plot.m (3.7 KB)

Stay tuned on the last step you are almost there!

Dear @thho

Thank you for your sharings

ı fixxed that error while starting matlab like below;

and problem has been solved

ı read that this problem is due to Turkish locale settings in GNU/Linux systems

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Hello Dear @thho @ABraun @daniel_bona @bayzidul @Fikretjfm @FeiLiu @annamaria @katherine @falahfakhri

I want to ask a question to all of you if you don’t mind,

If ı work on a very small area like 3x2 km, and if ı compare my insar results with very precise levelling meausrements, then which technique is more useful and more accurate that can be suitable with levelling results, PSI or SBAS ? (By the way ı am not working on a rural area)

And also one more question; Is there any pratical method that provide me to understand which ascending or descending images are more suitable on my area ? ı know that ı can not use both ascending and descending images together, so now ı am working with ascending images but maybe descending images show me better results ? how can ı know that before processing for gaining from time ? only with testing ? or is there any pratical method which ı can understand that ascending or descending images are better for my area ? ı ask this question because my computer is little slow on processing and for gaining time from processing , it can be good to know

Thank you so much

Dear @firat,

the question you ask is no longer related to the topic of the thread, please consider this before posting to help keep the forum as structured as possible.

InSAR is a complex topic, make sure you are familiar with the basics, reading this is a good start, furthermore study paper and learn from good published practice.

PS will provide you with less points then SBAS to track, but still using PS or SBAS is not the whole question, which algorithm you use (SqueeSAR, StaMPS etc.) changes a lot too, mainly during phase unwrapping and point extraction, as I know. The area of your study site and the topographic conditions are very important, using plain StaMPS in high mountains could become a problem, and in general, if you can answer your question with the less processing intensive and complicated approach, I would choss this (Occam’s razor)

Concerning de- or ascending orbits, it depends on the orientation of your slope. Choose the orbit where the radar looks down the slope, for ascending and right looking radar these are slopes orientated to the east and vice a versa for descending. This omits foreshortening but if your slope is to steep, you may have problems with the radar shadow…you can analyse this beforehand with a DEM and I think there is a tool in SNAP doing this too. To decompose LOS movement to vertical and horizontal movement you should in the end use both ascending and descending orbits, have a look here.