PREPROCESSING - Jupyter Notebook.pdf (291.4 KB)
hello sir, when am going to do the preprocessing of sentinel1 data, I get a" list index out of range " error can you please help me with this
thank you in advance
we checked your notebook and found the following issues which need to be fixed:
product_path = "E:\sun\“
→ From the following code we assume that you might have several input_S1_files (*.zip) in the product path, so this should just be ‘E:\sun’ here. And better use OS separator: ‘E’ + os.sep + ‘sun’ .
input_S1_files = sorted(…) : most important: remove the blank between ‘S1 and .zip’! (Otherwise, your lists will always be empty. The bug does not produce an error, so it took me a while to notice that…)
with zipfile(input_S1_files[0], ‘r’) as qck_look:
The imported module zipfile is not callable. You need to import and call the class ZipFile like this: from zipfile import ZipFile
… with ZipFile(input_S1_files[0], ‘r’) as qck_look:
Running a modified notebook with these fixes terminates successfully, the output from my example product looks as in the attached figure.