Sorry, but the tutorial of " Synergetic use of S1 (SAR) and S2 (optical) data and use of analysis tools" can not be opened, the URL gives an error. Thanks!
Hello, @ABraun! I am working with s1 time-series data. I read “Time-series analysis with Sentinel-1” and I noticed that you do not filter the images when you are pre-processing, instead you apply a multitemporal filter to the whole time-series images. Why didn’t you filter them before? I am a bit confused about how to do it.
both is legit, I would say. The multi-temporal filter greates more smooth gradients between the dates and is considered more precise regarding speckle, while the single product flter will preserve the information of each product a little better.
These tutorials can be improved by including a workflow diagram at the beginning of each tutorial, then users can have an overview and required steps of each process.