List of new tutorials

In order to keep you informed on new tutorials, I’ll post updates in here.

The following tutorials were already added since 2020:

Feel free to test them and comment in here! Any feedback is appreciated.


The latest addition is Landcover classification with Sentinel-1 GRD

It contains

  • pre-processing of Sentinel-1 GRD data
  • the generation of image textures
  • principal component analysis
  • unsupervised clustering
  • rule-based classification using the Mask Manager
  • supervised classifications based in training data
  • assessment of the training and prediction accuracy

@ABraun Thank you fore the great job done!
Nice material for students and practitioners.

May I give you a suggestion for one of the next tutorials - make a summary of StaMPS thread, if possible.

thank you @hriston_bg
We considered a separate tutorial on StaMPS but have not decided for one because of two reasons:

  • there are two very detailled instructions available here and here and I could not make it any better
  • Large parts are done in StaMPS which was not developed by ESA, so we leave the documentation and support to those in charge.

Still, we collect all developments here: StaMPS - Detailled instructions to provide an easy start for anyone interested.

Sorry, but the tutorial of " Synergetic use of S1 (SAR) and S2 (optical) data and use of analysis tools" can not be opened, the URL gives an error. Thanks!

thank you for reporting - I updated the url.

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Hello, @ABraun! I am working with s1 time-series data. I read “Time-series analysis with Sentinel-1” and I noticed that you do not filter the images when you are pre-processing, instead you apply a multitemporal filter to the whole time-series images. Why didn’t you filter them before? I am a bit confused about how to do it.

both is legit, I would say. The multi-temporal filter greates more smooth gradients between the dates and is considered more precise regarding speckle, while the single product flter will preserve the information of each product a little better.

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Great, thanks!

A short, but often requested tutorial on the Export of products from SNAP was now published. It includes

  • how the BEAM DIMAP format can be converted to GeoTiff and other compatible raster formats
  • what problems can occur during the conversion of formats
  • the export of raster data to a tabular format (CSV)
  • how to open raster data in QGIS and ArcGIS and why these can look different here
  • most importantly: why conversion is often not necessary and how BEAM DIMAP products can directly be read in QGIS or ArcGIS.

We just published a short tutorial on the Import of data into SNAP

It gives some general remarks on how to load data into SNAP and what to look out for. More concretely

  • Import of vector data for their use in analysis tools (Statistics, Scatter Plots…)
  • Import of vector polygons as input training data for supervised classifications
  • import of tabular data (CSV)
  • import spectral signatures for Spectral Unmixing
  • import of digital elevation models
  • import of landcover classifications
  • import of WebMapServices (WMS)
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Thank colleagues for your efforts.

These tutorials can be improved by including a workflow diagram at the beginning of each tutorial, then users can have an overview and required steps of each process.


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Good point, thank you.