Log file directory not accessible to write


I am trying to use l2gento convert S2MSI l1 to l2.

I have added SeaDAs plugin to SNAP. Each time i open Snap i go these error msgs
How to solve it ?

Is L2gen can work for S2MSI or only S3.


Thank you so much


Hello Mona,

This is caused by SeaDAS. So, I would suggest asking this question in the SeaDAS forum.

Hi Macro

I faced many troubles to install SeaDAS and till now not solved but i will continue.

I will also run Sen2cor module. I already installed it , but i searched for any tutorial but i did not find.

Could you pls help if there is any tutorial ,videos or special team for Sen2cor.

Thanks a lot for your support


Hello Mona, Sen2cor is off-topic in this thread, please serch the relevant sub-forums and threads.

Ok , thank you