Looking for a reference about speckle

Dear Snap community,

I’m using a lot one figure to illustrate the concept of speckle and the importance of multilooking.

I was rightfully asked to provide the original reference. I cannot find where it comes from…

I know it’s completely off-topic, but maybe the radar snap community has a idea where it comes from?

Thanks a lot in advance,


Whatever the source I don’t think the lower image is a multilooked version of the top one…

Did you try Google reverse image search?

looks like a multi-temporal speckle filtering but not aware of the source

@mengdahl and @MCG Thank you for your answer,

It is a multi-temporal filtered image. I finally found the source ! It comes from
InSAR Principles: Guidelines for SAR Interferometry Processing and Interpretation, pages A-9 and A-10.


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