Mean Average and Standard deviation band math


I need to calculate a normalized band of an RGB image given the function: (band - avg(band))/stddev(band)
The return gives values of zero. However if I use the values given by the statistics (mean and sigma) I can calculate it myself.
But for batch processing purposes I need to calculate a normalized band for every band (red green and blue).

Any ideas why this doesn’t work or what function I need to use?

ps. master student here, new to working with programs like snap.

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avg() and stddev() use only the values which are passed in. The average of one value is just the value.
You can do something like avg(band_1, band_2, band_3) and this will compute the average of the three bands at the current pixel position.
All the methods in the Band Maths are pixel-based. They don’t compute values for a whole band.

If you want to do something like this you can implement an operator or use SNAP just as a library, either in Java or Python. See the Developer Guide.

oh, makes sense given the return!
Thanks for the quick reply :blush:

If you want to do something like this you can implement an operator or
use SNAP just as a library, either in Java or Python. See the Developer Guide

This is an understandable position that I can’t criticize. But I’m not a Java/Python person and the Developer Guide doesn’t seem to have the concrete examples that my gut tells me I’m looking for. If I could lay my hands on a user-implemented function (piece of XML? C source code that needs to be compiled into a lib that gets put into some directory inside my .snap directory? Something Matlab-ish?) , I imagine I could modify it to my own needs, but I can’t seem to find anything. Is there anything out there?


@tqrtuomo Maybe the snappy examples can help you. Have you seen them?
Especially the is straight forward.