Missing XML in Sentinel 2 Safe file

We are writing a routine to ingest Sentinel 2 data and automatically perform radiometric correction based on the metadata. According to the documentation the root of the SAFE file should contain the product metadata xml, as well as the browse image and INSPIRE.xml files.

In the past we have downloaded S2 scenes and this structure existed. But we recently downloaded a scene and the root only contains the INSPIRE.xml, no browse or product metadata xml in the root. Although the product metadata files are located in each individual granule.

Does anyone know if this Is this a new format structure or an error?

See S2A_OPER_PRD_MSIL1C_PDMC_20160727T223603_R011_V20160727T154829_20160727T154829.zip


Dear James,

As I know the format of the SAFE did not change, in fact I downloaded the mentioned S2 product from SciHub and the XML is inside the folder as shown in the attachment.

Maybe your issue is related to the corruption of your download, could you please try again and let us know?


Thank you Fabrizio, that was exactly the problem. I redownloaded and the metadata is present.


Hi James,

On my Windows PC, I use Firefox, and I find that https://addons.mozilla.org/en-gb/firefox/addon/downthemall/ is a very useful add on. I used to have problems with failed downloads, but - touch wood - since installing the add on, everything has been fine. And I’ve not had any issues with missing files, either.



S2 MPC Operations Manager

Thank you for the tip. I will do the same.


I have a problem opening a sentinel 2 image on snap. It shows me “not appropriate product reader found” error.
I’ve been reading some posts trying to find a solution but nothing worked.
I would appreciate some help please.
here is the folder dowloaded


Your product is in the post-6th of December 2016 format (instroduced to limit the filename lenghth for Windows users). The XML you require is the MTD_MSL1C.xml. But you need to update to SNAP 5.0



S2 MPC Operations Manager

It’s working now. Thank you

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