Hi all,
I am trying to mosaic same day swaths over a region of interest. My input folders are the daily SEN3 folders. Using the attached XML (which is edited from a file @marpet showed in this thread.
The process work fine, but it appears that for each variable the _FillValue is not applied. I tried a few edits to the xml expression line but that didn’t seem to work.
Thank you.
mosaic_eumetsat_olci.xml (7.4 KB)
Is the no-data (fill-value) missing for all variables or only for some of them?
It could be related to this known issue:
[SNAP-1448] Mosaic does not consider no-data properly in some cases - JIRA
Thank you for the response. I am not sure my issue is entirely the same, or if I explained my issue properly.
In my case, it appears that after mosaicking and plotting TSM_NN, invalid values have a range of values above 250 (with the original _FillValue ==255), and the TSM_NN values are far too high with a range of 126-130, when the “real” range (as seen in the swath data) is 0-10 (see screenshot below).
This is not the issue with the reflectance data, where the mosaic output and the original swath are the same. I am not sure if this is all due to a different FillValue for SPM and reflectance data, or that SPM is stored as log10.
Happy for any insight provided by this community! As a work around in the meantime I made my own mosaicking function using pyresmaple.
Thank you.
At least on part of your problem seems to be the referenced Issue.
I tried to replicate your use case. The results looked good after adding a condition. Using the flag WQSF_lsb.WATER ensures that only valid water pixels are considered.
The other issue (wrong values) occurs when SNAP removes the log10 scaling from the values. In the original NetCDF file the values are log10 scaled, thus the unit lg(re g.m-3). In SNAP the log10 is removed and the unit is only g.m-3.
The devs should have a look at this. @diana_harosa @TomBlock