Multilooking of interferogram seems to swap the axis

I have created an interferogram using the “TOPSAR Coreg Interferogram”

I left most of the defaults, changing the DEM to use Copernicus DEM 30 m, not removing flat earth phase nor estimating coherence.

Afterwards, I have tried to multilook the interferogram to my target resolution (40 m). The algorithm produces a result, but the axes of the image seem to have be swapped.

Estimating coherence from the multilooked interferogram “fails”. The window flashes for a second, but does not produce anything nor throws an error



Is there anything wrong?

@djagula can you help? Thanks!

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I don’t think the axis has been swapped. For S-1 product, the range spacing is about 2.329562 m while the azimuth spacing is about 13.91141 m. In order to achieve roughly squared pixel on the ground, the number of range looks is roughly 4 times of the number of azimuth looks in Multilook operator. That’s why the dimension of the multilooked image is very different from the original image.
Also, if you want to estimate the coherence, it’s better select it in Interferogram. If you want to use the “Coherence Estimation” operator, the input to the operator should be coregistered stack instead of interferogram.

Indeed, SLC has very different pixel sizes depending on the axis (range/azimuth). After reading your comment I noticed the green bands on the side have the same orientation as the original image. I am sorry for the confusion

Regarding coherence, I wanted to see how the averaging impacted the estimates. thus… I guess it is not possible?