Hello, with interferometric processing you need to perform the function of multilooking?
Please take a look at this
Thank you, I read it. I am interested in the question of whether the multilooking function is mandatory for interferometric processing?
multilooking is not mandatory for InSAR processing. Especially for PSI it reduces the chance on finding suitable dominant scatterers.
Hi dear @ABraun. I was tried to change parameters SLC to Multilook function after that Interferometric-Filtering- Goldstein Phase
Filtering process, but didn’t change look view of my coh, phase. What is did wrong, please can you explain to me?looks like your interferogram is half empty, please check the output of the coregistration.
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I have got similar problem. The splitting slaves python script from snap2stamps tool only splits a certain number of bursts (that for surely I have not control over yet) instead of splitting an entire subswaths by default