First of all, I’d like to congratulate SNAP’s dev team, as my first impressions are that SNAP (with Sentinel Toolboxes) is becoming a very powerful tool, coming really close to multiple commercial-products that have been developped for years (and are really expensive !).
I’ve been exploring Snap’s Graph-Build and Batch processing, I have written a Graph for DInSAR processing (from SLC to Snaphu export), and I would like to implement it in an automatic processing for multiple files : i looked at batch processing, but I need 2 inputs (Read 1 and Read 2) for my graph and I can’t find a way to specifiy which files will be read as “Read 1” and which as “Read 2”. Is it currently possible ? (SNAP 5 with last updates)
If not, is it possible for to use this graph with a single master, meaning that one image will be set as “Read 1”, while “Read 2” will be set as a variable which will be filled with the products selected in the batch processing window ?
Thanks in advance to anyone who might provide some help.