Need urgent help - SNAP ERROR

hello dear,

SNAP 7.0 was working fine.Then when the icon to run it was clicked i get this error message

Error: Cannot rename file Menu/optical/Orfeo Toolbox/.nbattrs~in home/nifty/.snap/system/config to Menu/Optical/Orfeo/Toolbox/.nbattrs. New file exists:true. Rename result:null

Any help or suggestions appreciated.


Besides that you should better update to SNAP 8, you could delete the .snap folder in the user home. It should be recreated. Before deleting, check if you have stored any important files there.
The message is very strange. I don’t understand why such a file should be renamed.
Maybe @FlorianD can have a look at it.

Hi Walid,
What’s the path of your running icon?

thanks M. @marpet
i update snap to 8.0 version, now there is no error message, but alredeay the same error when i excut processing with gpt for the stamps data preparation.

Do you have a loop in your graph?

It’s the same graph that i used before
" snap2stamps/graphs at v1.0.1 · mdelgadoblasco/snap2stamps · GitHub"