Netcdf export with x/y posting

Dear SNAP users/developers,

Many modellers are using projected netcdf format. Fortunately, SNAP allows to project results according to a defined coordinate reference system and posting. For example you can export your results in Antarctic Polar Stereographic (epsg:3031) with a 450m grid posting, which is very commun in cryosphere.

However, when you export the results to netCDF to give it to your collegues, the variables are the longitude, the latitude, and the variable you selected. Is there any way to get the metric posting as x/y variables?

It seems that much of the work is done but the ability to simply give results to modelers has not been pushed to its final conclusion. Do you think it is possible to have it in the future?

If any question, please don’t hesitate.

Thank you very much in advance,


Hi Quentin,

This was a topic some days ago here:

Actually we have this issue since a while (SNAP-840, BEAM-1503)
In the past, the demand wasn’t that high but it increased in the last months.

I’ve made a note for me that we should address this for SNAP 9.

Sorry i missed the post, and the search bar didnot get me to this topic.

Thanks for the response. For stereographic projection (direct aspect), the transformation to planar coordinates is given by

x = 2R\cdot\tan\frac{90°-\phi}{2}\cdot\sin{\lambda}
y = -2R\cdot\tan\frac{90°-\phi}{2}\cdot\cos{\lambda}

Thank you very much for your efforts.


NB : Just to be extremely clear. This is what SNAP gives

This is what modellers would like :