New REFINED L1C tiles do not process with Sen2Cor 2.8

Following the deployment of the geometrically refined products since 30th March 2021, it seems that Sen2Cor v02.08.00 cannot process the “REFINED” L1C tiles.

The error is as follows:

Syntax error in metadata, see report file for details.
Schema file: S2-PDGS-TAS-DI-PSD-V14.5_Schema/S2_PDI_Level-1C_Datastrip_Metadata.xsd
Details: Element 'Reference_Image_List': Missing child element(s). Expected is ( REFERENCE_IMAGE ).
Sentinel-2 Level 2A Processor (Sen2Cor). Version: 2.8.0, created: 2019.02.20, supporting Level-1C product version 14.2 - 14.5 started ...
Product version: 14.5
Operation mode: TOOLBOX
Processing baseline: 99.99
Progress[%]:  0.00 : Generating datastrip metadata
Syntax error in metadata, see report file for details.
Schema file: S2-PDGS-TAS-DI-PSD-V14.5_Schema/S2_PDI_Level-1C_Datastrip_Metadata.xsd
Details: Element 'Reference_Image_List': Missing child element(s). Expected is ( REFERENCE_IMAGE ).
Incorrect datastrip L1C xml format
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/envsys/src/Sen2Cor-02.08.00-Linux64/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sen2cor/", line 534, in <module>
  File "/home/envsys/src/Sen2Cor-02.08.00-Linux64/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sen2cor/", line 482, in main
    L2A_TILES = config.updateTiles()
  File "/home/envsys/src/Sen2Cor-02.08.00-Linux64/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sen2cor/", line 3669, in updateTiles
    if self.create_L2A_Tile():
  File "/home/envsys/src/Sen2Cor-02.08.00-Linux64/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sen2cor/", line 3694, in create_L2A_Tile
  File "/home/envsys/src/Sen2Cor-02.08.00-Linux64/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sen2cor/", line 3635, in getEntriesFromDatastrip
    self.spacecraftName = di.SPACECRAFT_NAME.text
AttributeError: 'bool' object has no attribute 'SPACECRAFT_NAME'

This also occurs with the published Baseline 03.00 L1C Sample Product. However, Sen2Cor does still seem to work correctly on new tiles where the “Image_Refining” metadata tag is NOT_REFINED

Has anyone else experienced this or can help?

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Sen2Cor 2.9, which has been released since this was reported, appears to support the new product format and resolves the above problem.

@anthony.scarth Do you know when Sen2Cor 2.9 will be available as plugin within Snap?

I’m afraid I don’t. Looks like it’s an official plugin but I can’t see any activity relating to the 2.9 version on GitHub.

Looks like @obarrilero made most of the commits to the initial plugins. Perhaps they know more?

Most likely Sen2Cor 2.9 will be available as plugin in SNAP 9.0.


HI @oana_hogoiudo we know when SNAP 9.0 will be released?

There is no fixed date yet for SNAP 9.
But we can try to publish the Sen2Cor 2.9 plugin sooner (let’s say end of May), if a lot of people is waiting it.


That would be very useful, you can definitely add my name to the list of those who want it!!