'NoneType' object has no attribute 'box_id'

Dear @blair,

Welcome to the STEP Sen2Cor community!

To provide you with a better support we would recommend you to open a dedicated ticket, describing more precisely the issues you are facing in terms of data processing or data quality.

You may found useful information on these two pages: Frequently Asked Questions and Sen2Cor reference page.

When opening a ticket:

Please try to follow the format below by providing (this format will help Devs to better support your request):

Information on the version of Sen2Cor in use
Information on the platform (linux, windows)
Command lines used (e.g. options used, etc. etc.)
Log that results from running the L1C product on your version of Sen2Cor
L2A_GIPP.xml file
L1C product full name (e.g. S2B_MSIL1C_20220304T071159_N0400_R020_T38LRH_20220713T214644.SAFE)
Any information that may be useful

Example of a ticket’s title:
[Sen2Cor version][linux] problem/question
