Null Point Exception from S1 image

SNAP 9.0.0

I’m getting a NulPointerException when trying to apply Range Doppler Correction tool to an S1 image. I have already applied the orbit correction and speckle filter (gamma map, 7x7 kernel). I clicked on “report error” and it directed me here.

Exception text:

	at org.esa.s1tbx.sar.gpf.geometric.RangeDopplerGeocodingOp.getBandUnit(
	at org.esa.s1tbx.sar.gpf.geometric.RangeDopplerGeocodingOp.computeTileStack(
Caused: org.esa.snap.core.gpf.OperatorException
	at org.esa.snap.engine_utilities.gpf.OperatorUtils.catchOperatorException(
	at org.esa.s1tbx.sar.gpf.geometric.RangeDopplerGeocodingOp.computeTileStack(
	at org.esa.snap.core.gpf.internal.OperatorImageTileStack.computeRect(
	at org.esa.snap.core.gpf.internal.OperatorImageTileStack.computeTile(
Caused: org.esa.snap.core.gpf.OperatorException: java.lang.NullPointerException
	at org.esa.snap.core.gpf.internal.OperatorExecutor$GPFImagingListener.errorOccurred(
	at Source)
	at Source)
	at Source)
	at Source)
	at com.bc.ceres.glevel.MultiLevelImage.getData(
	at org.esa.snap.core.gpf.internal.OperatorContext.getSourceTile(
	at org.esa.snap.core.gpf.internal.OperatorContext.getSourceTile(
	at org.esa.snap.core.gpf.internal.OperatorImage.computeRect(
	at Source)
	at Source)
	at Source)
	at Source)
[catch] at Source)

Edit: I have tried many different options (different DEMs, etc.) and always get the same result. Here is my
messages.log (393.9 KB)

Edit: it seems the “Apply radiometric normalization” option is the problem. If I uncheck this, it works, with any DEM. Checking this box produces the error.

Hi Glen, I am facing the same issue even with the latest version (SNAP 11). Can you please help me understand how to solve this?

As per the original message, uncheck the “Apply radiometric normalization” option in the terrain correction tool options. This is a legacy option since radiometric normalisation is already performed in the calibration step.

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Thank you for your kind help and quick response.