Obtaining vertical displacement using InSAR using one flight direction


So I am trying to determine vertical displacements caused by the Brumadinho dam collapse that occurred on Jan 25 2019 in Brazil. However, I can only find descending Sentinel-1 data for the area. Is it possible to determine vertical displacements using only these images? If not, is there anything I can do?

Thanks in advance!

You don’t need both Asce and Desc, this issue is discussed in the following posts,

Source of the post (vertical dips.)

Source of the post (vertical disp.)


If you have InSAR measurements from only one satellite line-of-sight (LOS) direction, you need to make assumptions about the amount of horizontal motion. If you can assume that the horizontal motion is near-zero in the east-west direction, then the InSAR LOS measurement can be estimated as purely vertical deformation.