February 6, 2018, 10:37am
Is it possible to run the oil spill detection algorithms available in SNAP using SNAPpy? If so, where can I find an example or list of functions that I would need to recreate the tool in python?
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February 12, 2018, 4:35pm
Yes, this is possible.
In general, it is called as other operators.
For some examples please see here:
I was wondering if anyone has an example of how to write a python snappy script with multiple sequential operators? There’s also a strong chance I’m misunderstanding exactly how to work with snappy. I’ve tried examining a few examples such as NDVI_OP (which I don’t understand how to use) and snappy_flh (which I think I understand but am not sure what multispectral sensor input is required).
I’ve also looked at @abgbaumann ’s snappy_glcm , and it seems like I could repeat/modify that (func_name & …
Hello. I’m a student currently studying Remote Sensing.
I want to operate GPT with SNAP in Python.
After making what I want in Graph builder and saving it as xml file, I want to operate the xml file in Python.
Is there any python code for this?
The name of the operator is ‘Oil-Spill-Detection’
So, you would need to call something like
result = snappy.GPF.createProduct('Oil-Spill-Detection', parameters, source)
But this is not the only step you need to do. Other things to consider are explained here:
I have just started researching about the detection of oil spill and applying various algorithms. But I don’t know how to detect oil spill. I have downloaded data of S1 but oil spill not working. Can anyone show each step?