Operationalizing Sentinel-1 Preprocessing

We would like to use sentinel 1 for operational purposes. We build the whole processing pipeline in SNAP using the python API but have some questions regarding the co-registration. The steps are similar to what is described here.

Co-registration works fine, but we would like to process large numbers of images with different footprints. We were thinking about creating one mosaic that covers the full area and use that as the master. But we are not sure if this is the best approach. Has anyone given this some thought?

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Your production system memory will mainly give you an upper limit of any mosaic.
One way to achieve a coverage is having all individual overpasses analysed and

Check out https://pta.fmi.fi/, choose S1 catalog and check the box show items.
This demonstrates both how a STAC catalog and cloud storage can be used with javascript site to visualize the content of our archive of Sentinel data.

Dear Biplov,

maybe the Open SAR Toolkit is of use.

It uses the single bursts (small parts of Sentinel-1 images).
You can find some getting started notebooks here. Tutorial V is of particular interest for you.

Hope that helps,