I want to do classification of sentinel 1 data according to organic matter in soil. what type of classification algorithm can I use ? and Is it possible with sentinel 1 data ?
Anyone please help me
April 18, 2017, 7:10am
yes, it is possible with S1 data but it contains only two bands so you would probably need more scenes or use image texture.
Please have a look at these topics
Hello everyone,
I’m a student of geodesy and geomatics and I’m supposed to do thesis on classification (supervised and unsupervised) of area near Novi Sad, Serbia. Since I’m new to s2tbx I’m having some problems. I already tried to do the unsupervised classification but the process didn’t finish even though it worked all night. I already tried to find some tutorials and user-guides that could help me, but I didn’t find anything usefull. So I was wondering if there is anyone who could help me i…
Can I use the S-1 level 1 GRD product for urban land cover classification? what processing should be done for GRD product? How to extract texture information(GLCM) from GRD product?
I´m working with images from Sentinel 1 satellite in GRD.
Can someone help me how to calssify in unsupervise this images?
Sorry for my english
Some of the issues which could arise
I am trying to do a supervised classification.
I did all the steps already mentioned here:
But when I open the KNN classifier window, the part with the training vectors is empty and I get that footnote “Error: [NodeId: KNN-Classifier]node”:
Anyone knows why could this be happening?
I need to do some diferent data containers for making clusters (for polarimetric supervised technique classification). I don´t know why the button of this option is always disabled…How can I fix it? It seems that no mattet what product I have open or what I´m doing…it´s always disabled… [image]
my issue is, that I am working with the statistical output-files of each supervised classification, located at .snap\auxdata\classifiers.
The problem is, that the files do not have clear delimiters in order to transform the data in a spreadsheet. Maybe there is an easy way but at the moment I am using notepad++ and e.g. transform blank spaces as well as a few carriage returns to semikolons.
If there is currently no better way maybe you could consider it in the next update.
If I have the polygons, is it possible to do supervised classification in S1 images with SNAP?
Thank you so much
Can I get soil composition data from Sentinel 1 ?
April 19, 2017, 6:15am
Could be difficult because SAR is sensitive towards roughness and texture. If your soil is covered by vegetation information on soil properties maybe only present in the different vegetation patterns.