Phase problem (single purple color) in interferometric processing chain

Please take a look at this tutorial video,


and this post, Source of the post

You could apply TOPSAR-Merge for merging subswaths (IW2 and IW3),

Thank you so much @falahfakhri
I have followed (coreg–>ifg–>deburst–>topophase–>goldstein filt–>snaphu export) till now.
I will try to follow the suggested tutorial.
Also, TOPSAR-merge is to be done at which step?

Apply orbit is missing!

I explained in the following post,

Source of the post

This one way, the other way you could try up is,

For each single Subswath,

Split ------->apply orbit------->deburst

Topsar merge of both IW2 and IW3 ------->corr. , and continue your processing, IF this approach doesn’t assist your demand move to the first one,