I am using PolSARpro (Version 5) for creating an unsupervised Wishart classification of a rainforest area. The input data are the entropy, anisotropy and alpha angle, which were created before. My problem is, even if all parameters are set correctly the output is a gray picture instead of a classified area map.
Is it a bug or did I do a mistake somewhere? Did someone have the same experience?
The anisotropy, entropy and alpha angle all looked fine.
The original data set contained quad-polarimetric data which were saved as .bin and .hdr.bin files.
I applied a Refinded-Lee-Filter to it and converted the C- to a T-matrix. Then I used the T-matrix to create the entropy, alpha angle and anisotropie which I further used as input data for the classification. But that didn´t work.
I am using PolSARpro v6.0 (Biomass edition) for creating supervised Wishart classification for a forest area. I am trying to open BMP file so as to select the training areas for the classification. But it shows error “map_algebra_psp.exe”. Is anyone facing the same problem? how to correct this error?
I try it without filtering and i change the window size,it still doesn’t work. The data is Alos2 palsar2.The output picture is a gray picture like this instead of a classified area map. did i make a mistake?