Power Scattering Decomposition Result different in SNAP and PolsarPRO

I made Yamaguchi decomposition same type by using both SNAP dan PolSARPro, but i founded then that the result is different. The result from SNAP Processing around 90 - 120 intencity dB, but from PolSARPro processing around 0.1, 0.09 etc . Any one can help me for some opinion?

can you please post a screenshot of both results? I would be interested in this as well.

Ok Thank you. This is the screenshot of my problem. You can see in graph that the result is different, on SNAP the unity is dB but on PolSARPro but I am not sure on PolSARPro. Also I gues that the result actually should be negatif in dB unit. So I was wondering about both of the result.

could it be that the values are the same in PolSARpro before the cocoding? What format does the geocoding in PolSARpro produce? Maybe this changes your data type from float to something else…

This is screenshoot of data type before and after geocoding. Why I made geocoding before import on SNAP, because the data can not import before make geocoding in PolSARPro. Do you have suggestion for me to preview the result of component polarimetric decomposition on PolSARPro? Because my aim is I will extract value of power scattering base on my points survey. In my opinion, It is very easy if Iworking on SNAP

Hello all,

I working with Radarsat-2 data on SNAP 6.0 software, output for the polarimetric decomposition freeman and druden in SNAP is given in db (for three component of each pixel), but according to literarture the values should be in range between 0 to 1, and the sum of the values for all the three components should be equal to 1. (double+ vol+surface=1)

Thanks in advance

Which product level did you use? Have you pre-procesesd your data somehow?

using SLC radarsat-2, I have generated T3 matrix, and then polarimetric speckle filter followed by decomposition