Prepare Stack to Stamps with TerrasarX data (ISCE)

Here are the steps I took to prepare StripmapStack (ISCE) to Stamps PS using TerraSARX data.

However, I received an error in Step 1 of StaMPS…

  1.   In ISCE then processing with workflow  –W slc:
            i.          ! -s /home/toni/WCF_TerraSARX_processing/scenes/HS_021/SLC/ -d /home/toni/WCF_TerraSARX_processing/scenes/HS_021/DEM/demLat*.dem.wgs84 -t 44 -a 2 -r 2 -u snaphu -W slc --nofocus --zero
            ii.         Ran all files run_files 1-7 using: !run_files/run_0*
  2.  In terminal StaMPS processing dir:
            i.          $ make_single_reference_stack_isce  input_file

source_data slc_stack
slc_stack_path /home/toni/WCF_TerraSARX_processing/scenes/HS_021/merged/SLC/
slc_stack_reference 20161118
slc_stack_geom_path /home/toni/WCF_TerraSARX_processing/scenes/HS_021/merged/geom_reference/
slc_stack_baseline_path /home/toni/WCF_TerraSARX_processing/scenes/HS_021/merged/baselines/
maskfile /home/toni//WCF_TerraSARX_processing/scenes/HS_021/merged/geom_reference/shadowMask.rdr
range_looks 2
azimuth_looks 2
aspect_ratio 4
lambda 0.056

          ii.          $ cd INSAR_20161118/

          iii.          $ mt_prep_isce 0.4

          iv.          $ matlab
  1.  In Matlab command window: >> stamps
           i.          After running stamps it goes to the PATCH_1 dir /home/toni/WCF_TerraSARX_processing/scenes/HS_021/StaMPS/INSAR_20161118/PATCH_1
           ii.          Then error message:

STAMPS: Will process patch subdirectories

STAMPS: ########################################

STAMPS: ################ Step 1 ################

STAMPS: ########################################

STAMPS: Directory is PATCH_1

Found inc angle file, will load the data

Loading data into Matlab…

SETPARM: heading = -169.7074

SETPARM: lambda = 0.056

Index in position 1 exceeds array bounds.

Error in llh2local (line 39)


Error in ps_load_initial_isce (line 171)


Error in stamps (line 281)


Has anyone ever received this error message? Any idea how to address it?
I have attached the directory layout.
I’ve realized that the selpsc_patch.c script is producing empty pscands.1.ij and pscands.1.da files which in return makes the pscands.1.hgt , pscands.1.ll, and
files empty. Any help will be appreciated!

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I am also getting the same error. One more things we experienced which is - while using StaMPS-4.1-beta version, then there is no load.isce.m file under StaMPS-4.1-beta/matlab. So if we process stamps(1,1), then load_isce error is also coming. If we are using StaMPS-master version, where load_isce.m file is there but the above error related to ps_load_initial_isce(data_inc) is coming. Do you get the solution of these errors. If yes, kindly help me also.

Hari Shankar

Hi I still haven’t solved this problem as yet!

@hariiirs Are you also using TerraSARX data? I tried with Sentinel and still received the same error.


I have not tried for TerraSAR data. I am only trying Sentinel-1 data.

I noticed that outside of the empty pscands.* files I was also seeing a Segmentation Fault (core dumped) error message while running mt_prep_isce
I referenced this snap forum to address this:

Solved by
Installing g+±7 and gcc-7 (just incase, to make sure both are present)
Changing the compiler from CC = g++ to CC = g+±7 in the StaMPS_master/src/Makefile
cd StaMPS_master/src
make install

my PATCH_* pscands.* files are no longer empty

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Dear @tonianr
I would be very much appreciated if you let me know which of StaMPS_Config.bash’s items are necessary to ISCE/StaMPS combination:

export STAMPS="/home/user/StaMPS-4.1"
#export SAR="/home/ahooper/software/ROI_PAC_3_0"
#export GETORB_BIN="/home/ahooper/software/getorb/bin"
#export SAR_ODR_DIR="/home/ahooper/software/SAR_FILES/ODR"
#export SAR_PRC_DIR “/home/ahooper/software/SAR_FILES/PRC”
#export VOR_DIR="/home/ahooper/software/SAR_FILES/VOR"
#export INS_DIR="/home/ahooper/software/SAR_FILES/INS"
export TRIANGLE_BIN="/home/user/software/triangle/bin"
export TRAIN_BIN="/home/user/software/TRAIN/bin"
export SNAPHU_BIN="/home/user/software/snaphu-v2.0.4/bin"

Hello Peyman,

Here’s my complete .bash file:

Paths variables like VOR_DIR & INS_DIR don’t seem to be necessary for my processing, so they weren’t edited.

export STAMPS=/home/toni/StaMPS-master
export SAR=/home/toni/StaMPS-master/ROI_PAC_SCR
export GETORB_BIN=/home/ahooper/software/getorb/bin
export SAR_ODR_DIR=/home/ahooper/software/SAR_FILES/ODR
#export SAR_PRC_DIR=/home/ahooper/software/SAR_FILES/PRC
export VOR_DIR=/home/ahooper/software/SAR_FILES/VOR
export INS_DIR=/home/ahooper/software/SAR_FILES/INS
export DORIS_BIN=/home/ahooper/software/doris_v4.02/bin
export TRIANGLE_BIN=/home/toni/triangle/bin
export SNAPHU_BIN=/home/toni/snaphu-v2.0.4/bin
export ISCE_CONTRIB_BIN=/home/toni/.conda/envs/isce2/share/isce2/prepStackToStaMPS/bin
export ISCE_APP=/home/toni/.conda/envs/isce2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/isce/applications
export MATLAB_COMMAND=/usr/local/MATLAB/R2020b/bin
export ANACONDA_PATH=/opt/anaconda3/bin





ROI_PAC VERSION 2.3 and before

#set MACH=uname -s
#if ($MACH == “HP-UX”) then

export ARCHC=HP

#else if ($MACH == “IRIX”) then

export ARCHC=SGI

#else if ($MACH == “SunOS”) then

export ARCHC=SUN

#else if ($MACH == “Linux”) then

export ARCHC=LIN

#else if ($MACH == “Darwin”) then

export ARCHC=MAC

#export FFTW_LIB="$SAR/FFTW/$ARCHC""_fftw_lib"


shouldn’t need to change below here


export MY_BIN="$INT_BIN"

Needed for ROI_PAC (a bit different to standard)

use points not commas for decimals, and give dates in US english

export LC_NUMERIC=“en_US.UTF-8”
export LC_TIME=“en_US.UTF-8”

export MY_SAR="$SAR"

export SAR_TAPE="/dev/rmt/0mn"


1 Like

Thanks a bunch, it was very helpful.

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had the same problem with sentry 1.2 in data processing 5 and stamps4 1-b.1. Execute MT_ extract_ info_ isce , And execute MT_ prep_ “Error using exit function or variable settings cannot be recognized” 2 When I perform stamps (1, 1), it shows that pscands, 1, ij cannot be found. I would appreciate it if you could ask me for a solution.

Hi - if you’re processing isce to StaMPS the steps after stacking in isce with or are:
>> make_single_reference_stack_isce input_file
>> mt_prep_isce 0.4 6 5 50 200

for mt_prep_isce suggestions use mt_prep_suggestions(‘n’) for ps processing

mt_prep_isce runs mt_extract_info_isce so I don’t believe that you will need to run it separately also I’m not familiar with the sentry data type!

Dear Tonianr, I did my ISCE possessing but i don’t know how can I start my stamps can you help me?

Hi -
Here’s a link to the steps:

Dear Toninar, thanks for your guide but I couldn’t find how to find the ‘slc_stack’ directory? I don’t have it.

another question that I have is, in which directory i should make input_file?

Hi your SLC stack is the full path of


Your input_file should be in the INSAR_YYYYMMDD directory!

Here’s an example of my input file for stripmapdtack to stamps processing:

	input_file example (no file ext)
		source_data slc_stack
		slc_stack_path /home/toni/WCF_TerraSARX_processing/scenes/HS_021/merged/SLC/
		slc_stack_reference 20170513
		slc_stack_geom_path /home/toni/WCF_TerraSARX_processing/scenes/HS_021/merged/geom_reference/
		slc_stack_baseline_path /home/toni/WCF_TerraSARX_processing/scenes/HS_021/merged/baselines/
		maskfile /home/toni/WCF_TerraSARX_processing/scenes/HS_021/merged/geom_reference/shadowMask.rdr
		range_looks 2
		azimuth_looks 2
		aspect_ratio 1
		lambda 0.031


Looks like you need to fully activate your isce2 environment and source the stamps .bash script.


And run


Hi, how did you download orbital parameters for terrasar-x?

I got this error before for something simple. It could be something very simple like what variable you list first in the input file. Reorder the listing so that azimuth looks is listed before range.

Looks like you have sentinel data, heres one of my sentinel input files:

source_data slc_stack
slc_stack_path /home/toni/WCF_SENTINEL_processing/S1A_RO_121/merged/SLC/
slc_stack_reference 20180724
slc_stack_geom_path /home/toni/WCF_SENTINEL_processing/S1A_RO_121/merged/geom_reference/
slc_stack_baseline_path /home/toni/WCF_SENTINEL_processing/S1A_RO_121/merged/baselines/
maskfile /home/toni/WCF_SENTINEL_processing/S1A_RO_121/merged/geom_reference/shadowMask.rdr
azimuth_looks 1
range_looks 3
aspect_ratio 3
lambda 0.056
slc_suffix .full
geom_suffix .full

Dear Tonianr, I appreciate your help.
I got your error too but I didn’t get how you solved it, can you tell me how can i solve it?
my error is in stamps(1,1):
Subscripted assignment dimension mismatch.

Error in ps_load_initial_isce (line 144)

Error in stamps (line 285)