Problem building ocean object detection graph for batch processing


I’m trying to build an ocean object detection graph (so i can have the .xml file to batch process) the same as the module in SNAP however, step 2 - land-sea mask is not available. So in the module there are 5 steps: 1. read, 2. land-sea mask, 3. adaptive thresholding, 4. object discrimination and 5. write but when building the graph there are only options for 1. read, 3. adaptive thresholding, 4. object discrimination and 5. write. Is it possible to put the land-sea masking in? Is this even necessary?


the land-see-masking is actually there:
I think it’s necessary so that the algorithm concentrates on the backscatter variations above water areas. If you don’t have land pixels in your image you could probably skip this step.