Problem connecting to maven republic during build process


currently we have an issue with the maven repository. Modules cannot be downloaded during the build process. This is caused by a problem at out cloud infrastructure provider.
You will see messages like these:

Downloading from snap-repo-public:
[WARNING] Could not transfer metadata org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-install-plugin/maven-metadata.xml from/to snap-repo-public ( Transfer failed for 502 Proxy Error

We are working on this to get the repository working again.

I think we need to report on unavailablities of repos, auxililary files, forums etc. in the blog. @oana_hogoiu

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I want to clarify something:
There are no problems with the forum, nor with the auxiliary files, just issues with snap-build-server, causing also maven repo connectivity issues. (for those using SNAP in development)