Problem with external DEM

Hello. I’m running Calibration + Terrain-correction on S1 (IW_GRDH) products and I’m trying to use an external DEM (SRTM 1arcsec) generated by gdal_translate (from .vrt to Geotiff) with the only specifications -co BIGTIFF=YES -co COMPRESS=LZW
I’m getting the following message:
Error: input == null!
SEVERE: org.esa.snap.core.dataio.ProductIO: Error attempting to read …/srtm1arcsec_only-lzw.tif with plugin reader null
Any suggestion?
Thanks a lot.

Which version of the software are you using? It shouldn’t be getting picked up by the Spot reader.

I’m using the latest version 4.

Similar problem with external DEMs in 5.0. Tries to use the plugin reader org.esa.s2tbx.dataio.s2.ortho.plugins.Sentinel2L1CProduct_Multi_UTMzzz_ReaderPlugin’s
It loops through all(?) zones (zzz above is 47N, 09S, etc).
I have tried both TIFF and ENVI formatted geographic, 1 arcsec DEMs.