Problem with SNAP desktop after update

Hello everyone! I’m facing a prob with SNAP installation/update on one of mine pc. The installation apparently goes well, but running the software after having done all the update required, something go wrong, and the standard setup gets lost. This is how SNAP appear :

I should reinstall manually all the plugins! Do you anyone know the reason?


This happens sometimes when an update process fails.
You can either uninstall snap (ensure to mark the option to remove all data) and then reinstall or you can go to the appData folder:

Press WINDOWS+R and type appdata in the upcoming dialog.
then go to \Roaming\SNAP\. There delete the folders modules, update and update_tracking.
Afterwards SNAP should start like after a clean installation. And you can try the update again.

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If one does not restart SNAP after each batch of downloaded updates, in my experience things can get corrupted. Perhaps the GUI and Help should display bigger warnings about this(?)

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