Problems with collocation of jp2 bands/images

Hello everyone,

I’m having some problems while using raw S2 L2A downloaded from the AWS open registry. Because products are not in SAFE format, I have to work directly with jp2 data for each band.

I am using GPF operator “Collocate” in order to place selected bands from jp2 images in a single product but I get an error saying that geo-coding is missing; I also tried to do the same through SNAP and it gives the same result

Moreover, opening the jp2 file in SNAP and then making the collocation manually, no problem arise, so I suspect that geo-coding is not missing or it is added by the import procedure of SNAP.

Anyone could help me find a way to produce a product containing all bands I need which is easily readable by other GPF operators?

Thank you

In order to produce a product containing all the bands you need you can use the Band Merge operator.

Thanks for the fast reply, you gave me an useful hint in order to solve my problem.

Unfortunately I still don’t understand how to merge two bands at different resolution. So I tried to Resample them to the same resolution (cannot be done using targetResolution parameter because of the missing geocoding, used targetWidth/Height instead ) but then the BandMerge operator reports
Exception: org.esa.snap.core.gpf.OperatorException: Product [sourceProduct.1] is not compatible to master product.

You can try to directly access the AWS products via SNAP virtual file system, so that the product gets transformed into the format readable by SNAP. Then you will be able to work on the entire product, not individual bands only.

Go to SNAP menu Tools → Options → Remote File Repositories, click on Help and there you will find how to configure and use the AWS S3 virtual file system.

I hope it helps.

Thanks again @oana_hogoiu . Unfortunately I cannot use SNAP Desktop functionalities to download data. What I could do is download raw data from a S3 bucket ( sentinel-s2-l2a ), apply some kind of transformation on it ( e.g. from raw to SAFE ) and then execute a GPF graph.

If the “transformation step” cannot be done easily, I should find another way.
