Dear all,
there are some problems with the mosaicing function (Raster>Geometric operations>Mosaicing).
I receive an arror while attempting to mosaic some Cosmo-Skymed images already pre-processed by SNAP (i.e. in .din format). If I selected a predefined CRS (in particular EPSG:3031) I got a popup saying: “No Coordinate Reference System” selected. Also, if I choose another CRS from the “Custom CRS”, I perform the mosaic, then I reattempt to masaicing using the predefined 3031 CRS, everything seems to work. However I don’t know if this happens because SNAP has in memory the previous CRS used or because this workaround worked.
Independently of the pixel size of the images to be mosaiced and the value I set in “Mosaic bounds”>“Pixel Size”, the final mosaiced image comes out at a very coarse resolution, probably 1km or 0.05°.
It can be useful to say that I am using SNAP 7.0.0 but the bugs were present also in older versions.
Dear falahfakhri,
thanks for your very quick reply. I appreciate it a lot.
About your suggetions: no, I haven’t try the reprojection given I can do the operation (which is just one-time for me) easily in Qgis without this double step. Also, the video says that I can change the resolution of the final mosaic by setting the required “Pixel size” values. This confirms that what I am pointing out are actually bugs that must be fixed.
Unfortunately I haven’t found a better place to report this couple of stupid bugs than the forum.