I’m facing this error : ERROR:C:\Users\admin\z\sS2A\3_test_S2B!OUTPUT_CCI_landcover!2.dim does not contain band CCILandCover-2015 messages.log (168.4 KB)
For the operator “Add landcover graph” as suggested in the forum I downloaded manually this file ESACCI-LC-L4-LCCS-Map-300m-P1Y-2015-v2.0.7.zip and put it in this folder C:\Users\admin.snap\auxdata\LandCover\CCILandCover-2015
should probably be: C:\Users\admin\.snap\auxdata\LandCover\CCILandCover-2015 (original text was missing \ after the admin).
The error message in your screen capture isn’t readable on this laptop. You should paste error messages or attach log files to posts. This has the advantage that the text is searchable and more easily quoted in responses.
You are right for the path, I don’t know why it was removed (may be accidentally)
I already attached the log file " [messages.log" messages.log (168.4 KB)
this is the text of the error screenshot
C:\Users\admin\AppData\Local\Temp>“C:\Users\admin.snap\auxdata\sen-et-conda-Win64\sen-et-snap-scripts\…\python.exe” “C:\Users\admin.snap\auxdata\sen-et-conda-Win64\sen-et-snap-scripts\structural_params.py” --landcover_map C:\Users\admin\z\sS2A\3_test_S2B!OUTPUT_CCI_landcover!2.dim --lai_map C:\Users\admin\z\sS2A\3_test_S2B!OUTPUT_biophysical!.dim --fgv_map “C:\Users\admin\z\sS2A\3_test_S2B\fraction of green vegetation.dim” --landcover_band CCILandCover-2015 --lookup_table C:\Users\admin.snap\auxdata\sen-et-conda-Win64\sen-et-snap-scripts\auxdata\LUT\ESA_CCI_LUT.csv --produce_vh true --produce_fc true --produce_chwr true --produce_lw true --produce_lid true --produce_igbp true --output_file C:\Users\admin\z\sS2A\3_test_S2B\1.dim
INFO: org.esa.s2tbx.dataio.gdal.GDALVersion: GDAL 3.0.2 found on system. JNI driver will be used.
INFO: org.esa.s2tbx.dataio.gdal.GDALVersion: Installed GDAL 3.0.2 set to be used by SNAP.
WARNING: org.esa.s2tbx.dataio.gdal.GDALInstaller: Failed to delete the GDAL distribution folder ‘C:\Users\admin.snap\auxdata\gdal’.
SEVERE: org.esa.s2tbx.dataio.gdal.GDALLoader: Failed to initialize GDAL native drivers. GDAL readers and writers were disabled.C:\Users\admin.snap\auxdata\gdal\environment-variables.dll (Le processus ne peut pas accéder au fichier car ce fichier est utilisé par un autre processus)
INFO: org.esa.snap.core.gpf.operators.tooladapter.ToolAdapterIO: Initializing external tool adapters
INFO: org.esa.snap.core.util.EngineVersionCheckActivator: Please check regularly for new updates for the best SNAP experience.
INFO: org.esa.s2tbx.dataio.gdal.GDALVersion: Installed GDAL 3.0.2 set to be used by SNAP.
INFO: org.hsqldb.persist.Logger: dataFileCache open start
ERROR:C:\Users\admin\z\sS2A\3_test_S2B!OUTPUT_CCI_landcover!2.dim does not contain band CCILandCover-2015
Finished tool execution in 43 seconds
The log has C:\Users\admin.snap in several places:
Does C:\Users\admin.snap exist on your system? SNAP works well on “enterprise” systems where users do not have “admin” privileges. A normal user would not be able to create ‘C:\Users\admin.snap` on such systems.
Thank you for providing the log in text format. You seem to have a problem with GDAL libraries – possibly due to having multiple gdal installations, but I didn’t see thae same messages in the attacched log file. There have been reports of problems with gdal installed with conda. Also, some tools may not work when you have a file or directory name with spaces:
INFO [org.esa.snap]: Executing tool 'org.esa.snap.core.gpf.operators.tooladapter.fracGreen' with command line: 'C:\Users\admin\.snap\auxdata\sen-et-conda-Win64\sen-et-snap-scripts\frac_green.bat --sza_file C:\Users\admin\z\sS2A\3_test_S2B\!OUTPUT_sun_zenith_angle!.dim --biophysical_file C:\Users\admin\z\sS2A\3_test_S2B\!OUTPUT_biophysical!.dim --min_frac_green 0.2 --output_file C:\Users\admin\z\sS2A\3_test_S2B\fraction of green vegetation.dim'
SEVERE [global]
com.bc.ceres.binding.ValidationException: Value for 'Output image' must match pattern '.*\.dim$'.
There may instances of the following:
SEVERE [org.apache.velocity]: Error invoking method 'get(java.lang.Integer)' in [Ljava.io.File; at structural-params.vm[line 13, column 19]
WARNING [org.esa.snap]: Tool may not have produced an output
INFO [org.esa.snap]: Executing tool 'org.esa.snap.core.gpf.operators.tooladapter.structuralParams' with command line: 'C:\Users\admin\.snap\auxdata\sen-et-conda-Win64\sen-et-snap-scripts\structural_params.bat --landcover_map C:\Users\admin\z\sS2A\3_test_S2B\!OUTPUT_CCI_landcover!2.dim --lai_map C:\Users\admin\z\sS2A\3_test_S2B\!OUTPUT_biophysical!.dim --fgv_map C:\Users\admin\z\sS2A\3_test_S2B\fraction of green vegetation.dim --landcover_band CCILandCover-2015 --lookup_table C:\Users\admin\.snap\auxdata\sen-et-conda-Win64\sen-et-snap-scripts\auxdata\LUT\ESA_CCI_LUT.csv --produce_vh true --produce_fc true --produce_chwr true --produce_lw true --produce_lid true --produce_igbp true --output_file C:\Users\admin\z\sS2A\3_test_S2B\1.dim'
WARNING [org.esa.snap]: Tool may not have produced an output
I faced up almost similar problem, if the warning is related to GDAL, what is the solution? Since an env. has been created in order to install python 3.6 and it has it’s own gdal, following is the error,
C:\Users\FALAH FAKHRI\AppData\Local\Temp>“C:\Users\FALAH FAKHRI.snap\auxdata\sen-et-conda-Win64\sen-et-snap-scripts\…\python.exe” “C:\Users\FALAH FAKHRI.snap\auxdata\sen-et-conda-Win64\sen-et-snap-scripts\structural_params.py” --landcover_map D:\Sen-ET\DATA\PPREPROCESSED\S2\BAND_MATH_MASK\S2A_MSIL2A_20211021T075951_N0301_R035_T37SGU_resampled_BandMath.dim --lai_map D:\Sen-ET\DATA\PPREPROCESSED\S2\BIOBPHYSIC\BiophysicalOp.dim --fgv_map D:\Sen-ET\DATA\PPREPROCESSED\S2\FRACTION_GREEN_VE\GF.dim --landcover_band CCILandCover-2015 --lookup_table “C:\Users\FALAH FAKHRI.snap\auxdata\sen-et-conda-Win64\sen-et-snap-scripts\auxdata\LUT\ESA_CCI_LUT.csv” --produce_vh true --produce_fc true --produce_chwr true --produce_lw true --produce_lid true --produce_igbp true --output_file D:\Sen-ET\DATA\PPREPROCESSED\S2\maps_of_vegetation_structural_parameter\test.dim
INFO: org.esa.s2tbx.dataio.gdal.GDALVersion: GDAL 3.0.2 found on system. JNI driver will be used.
INFO: org.esa.s2tbx.dataio.gdal.GDALVersion: Installed GDAL 3.0.2 set to be used by SNAP.
WARNING: org.esa.s2tbx.dataio.gdal.GDALInstaller: Failed to delete the GDAL distribution folder ‘C:\Users\FALAH FAKHRI.snap\auxdata\gdal’.
SEVERE: org.esa.s2tbx.dataio.gdal.GDALLoader: Failed to initialize GDAL native drivers. GDAL readers and writers were disabled.C:\Users\FALAH FAKHRI.snap\auxdata\gdal\environment-variables.dll (The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process)
INFO: org.esa.snap.core.gpf.operators.tooladapter.ToolAdapterIO: Initializing external tool adapters
INFO: org.esa.snap.core.util.EngineVersionCheckActivator: Please check regularly for new updates for the best SNAP experience.
INFO: org.esa.s2tbx.dataio.gdal.GDALVersion: Installed GDAL 3.0.2 set to be used by SNAP.
INFO: org.hsqldb.persist.Logger: dataFileCache open start
ERROR:D:\Sen-ET\DATA\PPREPROCESSED\S2\BAND_MATH_MASK\S2A_MSIL2A_20211021T075951_N0301_R035_T37SGU_resampled_BandMath.dim does not contain band CCILandCover-2015
Finished tool execution in 26 seconds
It seems that your processing expects a band with the name “CCILandCover-2015” but this is not contained in your input.
Everything else seems to work.
I can’t say more. I’m not familiar with SEN-ET.
Dear @marpet Thanks a lot for your assistance, and it’s not far away from your willing to support researchers,
Dear @gnwiii Thanks a lot for your answer, actually the problem was not to run the job on freshly booting system at least in this case, However, I found the solution is, the plugin is looking for CCILandCover-2015 as Marco has mentioned, however for some reason the name of this product from my previous action was
that’s why I renamed the the layer to be CCILandCover-2015, Hope to update this if it possible to find the landcaver band irrespectively of its name.