Product Library - Temporal selection


I was asking myself if it would be possible to make another type of temporal selection possible in the product library, where I can specify the start and end time for an interval of products I want to select? Would be nice for time series analysis.


I’m not sure I understand what you mean by ‘interval’. Could you further describe the time series selection?

I would like to be able to select all products that are between a start and an end date that I specify. For instance, I would like to select all products between 15.06.2014 and 31.05.2015.
Now, it is only possible to select/deselect products that where acquired in a certain month.

Oh, sorry, actually it is possible via the left panel of the product library!
It’s just not possible in a graphical way in the bottom panel. It might be a small nice feature to allow temporal selection when the timeline is selected as the temporal viewing mode, e.g. by dragging the mouse over a certain interval.