Hello Everyone,
I’m new in snap & stamps processing. I use Ubuntu 18.04, matlab R2020b (previously R2019a), 33 interferograms, Stamps Beta 4.1 (previously stamps master). My lists of images & study area are below.
In the beginning no problem@error in stamps processing but starting last 3 weeks i faced this errors during ps plot & setparm. Maybe i palyed too much with the parameters like pIot scatter size, max topo error, filter_grid_size, quick_est_gamma_flag, ref_centre_lonlat, scla_deramp, unwrap_gold_n_win, unwrap_grid_size. No error in the last 3 weeks. I think there are no problem with matlab & stamps version. My last options is to format ubuntu since reinstall the matlab to R2020b & stamps beta was not working. Please take a look on below screenshot for your viewing…
I hope you can advise.
Thank you & best regards