Dear all,
I managed to export the snap to stamps format and do the mt_prep_snap,Then when i start with my stamps processing in matlab. I divided it into 25 patches altogether, and this error occurred in the 5 patch,finally,I get the following error:
when i run stamps(1,1)
The index exceeds the matrix dimension
Error in ps_load_initial_gamma (line 108)
Error in stamps (line 263)
I check the 5 patch and find that the files in it are basically 0 bytes. Is this because there is a problem with SNAP preprocessing? How should I solve it?
When you run “mt_prep_" in the terminal, you can check the reply words which indicate the number of pixels with amplitudes different from zero. If the number equals 0, it means that the RSLC is broken. This broken RSLC will result in your pscands.1 file having no data.
Therefore, you need to remove this RSLC and the corresponding file. After that, rerun the "mt_prep_” step in the terminal and execute stamps(1,1) in MATLAB. This should resolve the issue.
I am facing the same issue at the moment. After running “mt_prep_snap" in the terminal with my parameters I got the following warning: “WARNING : SLC /<mypath>//rslc/20240913.rslchas ZERO mean amplitude”.
Then I deleted the 20240913.rslc file as well as the 20240913.rslc.par, ran again the “mt_prep_snap” command, this time didn’t get a warning in the terminal but when I opened matlab and ran stamps(1,1) I got the same error (Error in ps_load_initial_gamma (line 108)). Am I doing something wrong? Am I missing something?
I also checked in SNAP that every single file is properly generated. Performed all steps again from downloading the images to exporting them for StaMPS and performing the evaluations.
For context, I am using: Ubuntu 24.04 and StaMPS-4.1-beta. The data was prepared with SNAP 11.0.