Publication of reports on Sentinel-1 Product Performances

The production of Sentinel-1 images is evolving, taking into account updates of SAR processor, its configuration and regular recalibration.
ESA and the SAR Mission Performance Cluster Service (SAR-MPC) are publishing regularly reports on product performances toward the end-user community:

  • the N-Cyclic Performance Report: currently published every two cycles and provided a frequent update of the mission status and performances
  • the Annual Performance Report: providing a global status of the mission status and performances for a complete civil year, and providing much more details.

Both types of reports are available on in the Sentinel-1 document Library were you can find the complete history of annual performance reports and the last editions of the N-Cyclic ones (the old N-Cyclic Reports are unpublished once the corresponding annual performance reports are available).

You may be interested in having a look to the last N-Cyclic Performance Report available there:

The Annual Performance Report for 2022 is under finalization and will be available soon.