Publicly accessible CI suite for SNAP

Is there a publicly accessible CI (Continuous Integration) suite for SNAP? There is something on Travis, but it seems to be quite broken (most repositories don’t even manage to install the JDK.

It can be helpful to see the results of the CI. For example, when I have a test failure during compilation I can quickly check on the CI it the problem is in the code or in my setup (I’ve seen quite a few tests failing because on my local ~/.snap directory; in theory this should not happen, but when theory diverges from practice comparing with the official CI is useful).

The repositories also have a Jenkinsfile, but I have not idea on which instance this is deployed.

Thanks, Giovanni.

I don’t think the is a public one for now, @MartinoF can comment more.

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Hi @giomasce,

The SNAP CI is based on a private Jenkins instance that at the moment is not public. However we internally discussed to add a public Travis CI for at least building and unit testing the projects.
I will keep you update if and when we will move on with this idea.

Have a good day.


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Hi @giomasce,

I updated the travis pipelines of all major projects (snap-engine, snap-desktop and s*tbx) and now all are working. You can find the build log here:

Have a good day.



Thank you, that’s very nice and useful!