I use it a lot to update in 30 seconds my data directories once every moon.
It is far from perfect but quite serves its role, so I think it may be usefull for other people too.
To use it, just go in a terminal where the .py file is and write :
python3 data_downloader.py
Make sure dependencies are respected (sentinelsat and tkinter).
note : the geoJson file should not be too “complex”. The request is sent by creating a URL, containing the geometry of the geojson. The URL has limited length, meaning that a very precise geojson (hundred of points) cannot be used.
you have to change the location and the name of the geojson file according to your own one in line 104 of the script. The directories in the script are not valid on your computer and have to adjusted accordingly.
Well I guess you can. For practical reasons, I put my most commonly used area of interest which is, in my case, /media/qg/Disk3/DATA_ARCHIVE_MIMO
If you want to change the default value, edit the line 104 of the code.
Note that the geoJson file should not be too “complex”. The request is sent by creating a URL, containing the geometry of the geojson. The URL which has limited length, meaning that a very precise geojson (hundred of points) cannot be used.
I have tried giving my own path for “GeoJSON location” and “Destination directory” as per your suggestion(A:\algo) but still it was showing some errors when i run the code.
I’m sorry to hear it doesn’t work as well for you. The error suggests you don’t have the right to access A:\algo
Maybe try using administrator rights?
Also, I’m not a Windows guy but a path beginning with the letter A sounds strange to me. Maybe I’m wrong but the absolute paths in Windows are C:\, D:\, E:\ and so forth, aren’t they?
You are right. A is not very common. It was used for floppy disks in the ancient times.
However, you can assign any letter to a hard drive. Maybe that’s what SaiKiran did.
Also, I would question the double backslash in the path. Maybe the path should be A:\algo and not A:\algo
what @marpet has said is correct. ‘A’ is just the name of the drive which I kept in my personal laptop. Though I changed the path to C drive it was showing the same errors :