Hello. I’ve read 2 SAOCOM-1 images and (I think) that I have succesfuly created the binary S11, S12, S21 and S22 files. I did this with each image separately.
However, when I try to set the environment to Single Baseline PolInSAR I get the following error message: “INPUT DATA MUST HAVE THE SAME SIZE”, which makes sense because the images have different sizes and are not coregistered.
My question is, how should I proceed in order to ger them coregistered and of the same size?
The tutorials I followed were based on the simulation of images, so this is an issue I face now that I work with actual data.
After coregistering, what products should I export from SNAP so that they are readable by PolSARPro? Can I directly export the coregistered stack, or do I have to generate the S matrices?
It’s not yet fully automated, but the process of exporting the data (i and q) is shown in this video, starting at around 8:30. Sentinel-1 data are used, so many steps are not required for SAOCOM. The important parts are the export in the graph builder and how to load them correctly into PolSARpro.
I want to try the forest height inversion methods offered by PolSarPro on SAOCOM full polarimetric images.
Moreover, I am trying to see how PolSARPro can ingest an orbital-corrected phase map that I produce with another software, since in general the SAOCOM interferograms have many orbital ramps that are not compesated for with flat-earth removal. So I think the phase component of the complex coherence is suffering from this problem in PolSARPro.