Reading Sentinal-1 Metadata in Python

Is there any python library that can be used to access Sentinal-1 Metadata in python? I am especially interested in Orbit State Vectors and Doppler Centroid Coefficients.


I used element tree. You can see a sample in my script where I access Sentinel-1 metadata to map the TOPS Split data.

import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

# Read data
tree = ET.parse('my_metadata.xml')

Sample in my script:


Many thanks I will try it now.


I am also really interested in reading the metadata of a Sentinel-1 product (S1_IW_GRD) in python. In SNAP it is possible to get an interpolated map of the incident angle (attached image) from the tie-point grids but doing it in SNAP isn’t scalable enough for my application - I have 100s of tiles. Is it possible to read the incident angle directly from the metadata?

Any help would be awesome, thanks!